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Q: What is a scale of goods and services to the general public?
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What is the definition of public service delivery?

Public services are those services provided by governments (local, municipal, or larger-scale) to the public. The need for services that no individual can or will pay for, but that benefit all by their presence, is one of the justifications for taxation. Examples of such services are sewage, trash disposal, street cleaning. On a larger scale, public education and public health services (in countries that have them) are also public services. Public service delivery is the implementation of those services and making sure they reach those people and places they're intended to.

Is the total value of goods and services a country produces annually?

GDP, gross domestic product.

What are the Characteristics of large scale industries?

Industry involves production of goods and services industry involves capital investment

What does small scale business really means?

providing goods and services for a local area. NOT interested in servicing the entire city or county.

How is the cost of living measured?

The cost of living is measured on a scale known as the Cost of Living Index. This scale measures the cost of living over different times and regions by measuring the prices of goods and services.

Who is a person company or business that makes the goods or provides services for consumers?

A person, company, or business that makes goods or provides services for consumers is commonly referred to as a "provider" or "supplier." These entities are responsible for producing, manufacturing, or offering products and services that meet consumer demand and fulfill specific needs or desires. Providers can range from small-scale individual artisans to large multinational corporations, and they play a crucial role in the economy by contributing to the production and distribution of goods and services to consumers.

Large scale interchange of goods?


Basic definition of large scale manufacturing and small scal manufacturin?

large scale manufacturing means producing a large goods. small scale manufacturing means producing a small goods

What is gobalisation?

Globalization is the process of increased international interconnectedness and interdependence among countries, economies, and cultures. It involves the exchange of goods, services, ideas, and people on a global scale, leading to a more interconnected and interdependent world.

Does industrialization mean?

It means to introduce industry into on a larger scale.

Difference between public and private service?

Public services are often financed via taxation while private services are based on the user pays principle. Public services often cater for larger groups while private services are often for smaller numbers - this is true for educational services for example. In terms of transport, taxis are private while buses tend to be public - one offers a small scale more personalised service the other a scheduled, predictable service along a fixed route. Public services have a clear line of political accountability while private operators are more often regulated by market forces in terms of price and service quality and range.

Is industrial and economic same?

No, the terms industrial and economic have quite different meanings. Industry relates to large scale manufacturing that takes place in factories, and massive infrastructure such as railroads. The economy includes industrial activity, but also includes all other types of goods and services that are bought and sold. It is a much more general concept.