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Q: What is a system in which individuals rather then governments own resources and all means of production?
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Under which economic system are resources devoted to production for use or need rather than production for profit?


Who owns the means of production in a socialist society?

The people as a whole rather than private individuals.

The basic problems of scarcity and allocation of limited resources are solved by production for use or need rather than production for profit.?

Socialism (A+)

What describes The basic problems of scarcity and allocation of limited resources are solved by production for use or need rather than production for profit?


What is the definition of private property?

private property, or property that is held by individuals or groups rather than by the federal, state, or local governments.

Which economic theory states that the basic problems of scarcity and allocation of limited resources are solved by production for use or need rather than production for profit?

For A+ : Socialism

What type of economy best fits this description The basic problems of scarcity and allocation of limited resources are solved by production for use or need rather than production for profit?

Mixed Capitalism

What statement does not describe a market economy?

The problems of scarcity and allocation of resources are addressed by production for use or need rather than productio for profit.

Under which economic system would factors of production most likely be owned by the government?

Communism is one chief example where production is a ward of the state. In this system the means to production and national resources are communal rather than private property.

What does Private sources mean?

Private sources refer to funds or resources that come from individuals, businesses, or organizations rather than from government or public entities. These sources often include donations, investments, or grants from private individuals or entities to support various initiatives or projects.

What type of economic model fits this description The basic problems of scarcity and allocation of limited resources are solved by production for the use or need rather then production for profit?

You need to answer this question because we don’t do homework and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.

What was the WPB during World War 2?

WPB stands for War Production Board. It converted peacetime industries, allocated resources, and prioritized materials and services for the war effort. It existed from early 1942 to late 1945.