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Q: What is a way to prevent market failure from inadequate competition is for the government to?
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What illegal economic function causes business firms to combine to prevent competition?

A cartel or monopoly causes business firms to combine to prevent competition.

Will a code P0340 stop the engine?

P0340 is a failure in the cam shaft sensor circuit. That can prevent the engine from running.P0340 is a failure in the cam shaft sensor circuit. That can prevent the engine from running.

How do you prevent heart failure?

It's best to build up your heart muscles to prevent future failure. Trying different breathing exercises or go for walks.

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Smoke crystal meth

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my ex

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get your btrakes checked regularlly

What extent should government intervene in free trade?

In a free enterprise (market) economy, the expected role of the government is to allow free operation of the market unless market failure occurs at which point it intervenes to prevent welfare losses.

This act was enacted in July of 1890 and made combining of businesses to prevent competition illegal?

The Sherman Antitrust Act was enacted in July 1890 and made combining of businesses to prevent competition illegal.

How do you prevent kidney failure?

eat healthy and exersise regulary

How do I prevent chronic heart failure?

To prevent chronic heart failure, you may want to make sure that you are eating the healthiest diet possible. You also want to make sure that you exercise regularly.

How are contractures prevented?

Range of motion (ROM) exercises help to prevent contracture. Chemicals can be used to prevent contractures from becoming fixed when ROM exercise is inadequate. Phenol or alcohol.Botulinum toxin.

How can you prevent your data from general power failure?

Battery power. Generator.