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Q: What is an example of a marginal question?
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What is a marginal question?

A question that uses the word why like why did this happen or how did thi happen

What is the marginal effect of a linear probability model?

good question.

Can marginal utility be negative?

Yes. Some objects and activities can generate negative marginal utility and lower total utility. For example, polluted air.

What is marginal private costs?

The marginal private cost shows the cost associated to the firm in question. It is the marginal private cost that is used by business decision makers in their profit maximization goals, and by individuals in their purchasing and consumption choices.

The Equi-Marginal Principle can be applied to both consumption as well as production Discuss this statement with the help of an example?

The Equi-Marginal Principle can be applied to both consumption as well as production Discuss this statement with the help of an example?

Example of the law of diminishing marginal productivity?

The law of diminishing marginal product states that as a firm uses more of a variable resource with a fixed resource and fixed technology, the marginal product of the variable resource will fall. From related site.

How does Marginal analysis help to maximize profits?

please answer my question i am in need of it now

How does marginal analysis help in decision making?

please answer my question i am in need of it now

Example of law of diminishing marginal utility?

the more you have of an item the less you want

What is the example for marginal utility?

people can be expected to satisfy their most pressing needs first, marginal utility normally declines with increasing availability of a good or service. A simple example is money. If someone has no money then $100 has a marginal utility of $100 to them, as they can be expected to spend it on the basic necessities of life. If someone already has $100,000, then $100 has very little marginal utility to them, perhaps far less than $100.

If fixed cost do not change then the marginal cost?

Contrast to what we would normally think, changes in fixed costs do not affect marginal cost. For example, if a product costs $10 to produce, and the fixed cost goes up to $25, then marginal cost stays the same.

What are the examples of marginal utility on your daily life?

The marginal utility is the gain that one receives from the use of a good or service and the loss from a decrease in its use. One example is the use of bottled water to decrease a feeling of thirst is one example. If one does not have sufficient supply , they will fee the loss of that scarcity by way of thirst and discomfort. The marginal utility of the good is high.