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Q: What is an example of a strong economy?
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Why is a strong economy important?

why is a strong economy important

Why did Russia have a strong economy in 1945?

it had a strong economy

What are examples of mixed economy?

When there is free enterprise as well as government control in a country, it is a mixed economy or dual economy. The United States is an example of this with some strong government regulation along with private enterprise.

Does a strong political organization result in strong economy?

Not necessarily, no - for example Britain with its firmly established and stable democracy (which can be considered a 'strong' government) could not prevent a large-scale financial disaster.

Which economy is strong in North Africa?

Egyptian economy and Libyan economy.

How strong is the Italian economy?

The Italian economy is strong thanks to clothing, shoes and car companies.

What makes France have such a strong economy?

market economy

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bater economy

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What is a strong economy?


Which of the following was true of American workers during the Harding administration?

Few joined unions because the economy was strong.

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