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The economic pyramid is a graphical representation of the overall wealth of the world community. The apex or very smallest part of the pyramid represents the very richest people on the planet while the bottom and largest part of the pyramid represents the large number of people with extremely limited income and resources. The billions of people on earth surviving on only a couple of dollars per day represent the bottom of the economic pyramid in this scenario.

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Q: What is bottom of the economic pyramid?
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What is bottom of the pyramid?

The economic pyramid is a graphical representation of the overall wealth of the world community. The apex or very smallest part of the pyramid represents the very richest people on the planet while the bottom and largest part of the pyramid represents the large number of people with extremely limited income and resources. The billions of people on earth surviving on only a couple of dollars per day represent the bottom of the economic pyramid in this scenario.

Who was at the bottom of the pyramids who was at the bottom of the pyramid who was at the bottom of the pyramid ancient greece in ancient Greece?

the slaves

How is a pyramid different from a cone?

A cone has a round bottom, and the pyramid has a squarish bottom.

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square pyramid (bottom is a square)-5 points triangular pyramid (bottom is a triangle)-4 points

What is the bottom line of a shape?

The bottom line of a shape is the base of the shape. For example, the bottom line of a pyramid is the base of the pyramid.

What is the difference between a rectangular pyramid and a square pyramid?

One has a rectangle on the bottom and the other has a square on the bottom.

What is the material used to fill the bottom of the pyramid?

A pyramid is HOLLOW.

Does a pyramid have 4 sides on the bottom?

Not necessarily but a quadrilateral pyramid does.

What kind of pyramid has a square at the bottom?

A square based pyramid.

What do you call a pyramid with a square at the bottom?

A pyramid is a structure with a square at the bottom and 4 triangles connecting them. You have the correct word.

Shape square based pyramid?

a square based pyramid is a square at the bottom and a pyramid at the top

Where in the pyramid did the people bury the pharaoh?

The pharaoh was buried under the pyramid, or near the bottom of the pyramid.