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Mixed economies

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Q: What is called when a nations economy that is comprised of elements of more than one economic system?
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Hoover was blamed for the nation's economic problems because he thought that the best way to fix the economy was to let the economy fix it's self (do nothing).

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the panic of 1837 affected the nations economy by entering an economic depression where the business and unemployment fell to a very low level.

What economic system does Libya use?

Libya has a command economy. Also known as controlled or planned economy. This is where a government retains the power to decide how the nations economic resources should be allocated. It has complete control over how theses resources are used.

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Serfdom was an unsustainable economic system, and it stunted the growth of the eastern European economy because eastern Europe maintained a farm-based economy long after the rest of the world had turned to an industrial economy.

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often economic instability is caused by imperialism because the nation's economy becomes dependent on industrialized nations.

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Others fueled the economic revolution and transformed manufacturing, transportation, and communication.

What were effects of the civil war on the nation's economy?

The nation was starting out becoming a economic power house. We bought the majority of our weapons from England, Spain, and France. Doing this provided a great economy for the nations selling and us.

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Asia is a continent comprised of many nations.

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A market economy is an economy in which decisions regarding investment, production and distribution are based on market determined supply and demand. Prices of goods and services are determined in a free priced system

When was United Nations Economic Commission for Africa created?

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa was created in 1958.

What was the outcome of laissez-faire economic policies?

Laissez-faire economic policies helped fuel the industrial revolution. Later these policies were changed for social reasons. Most of today's prosperous nations have a free market economy with government supervision.