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increases in the productivity of labor.

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Q: What is more than half of the growth of real GDP in the US caused by?
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== == ---- More info at: = List of countries by GDP (real) growth rate =

What are the factors affecting economic growth in the UK?

Economic growth is measured by an increase in the real Gross National Product of a country or its GDP. There are two types of economic growth, long run and short run economic growth. Short run economic growth is caused by an increase in the aggregate demand of an economy, otherwise referred to as AD. AD is made up of four factors, consumption, investment, government spending and the net worth of imports and exports. An increase in any of these factors can lead to an increase in real GDP. Long run economic growth is caused by an increase in the quality or quantity of the factors of production of the economy. These FOP's are land, labour, capital and enterprise. An increase in any of these factors will cause an increase in the potential output of an economy meaning it has the potential to produce more.

Are jerboas real?

yes they are real there half rat half kangaroo

Why go to school if you don't use more than half of what you learn in real life?

To not degrade.

Real GDP?

a measurement of economic output minus the effects of inflation or deflation, gives a more realistic assessment of growth

Growth of real GDP in the US has averaged slightly more than 5 percent annually since 1950?


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Why is real GDP used to measure economic growth?

a real lady

Are Half-Demons real?

Yes half demons real they live off blood and they act like real people so yes the are real

Are werewolves human?

A bit.Werewolves are not real. But if they were real then, yes they would be half human, half wolf.