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Private Property

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Q: What is porperty owned by individuals or companies not by the government or the people called?
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What is property owned by individuals or companies called?

private property

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What is the meaning of government company?

The companies which are established under the Indian companies Act 1956. A companies whose majority shares are held up by the government is called a government company.

When people buy products from individuals instead of companies, its called?

secondary exchange.

When people buy products from individuals instead of companies is called?

secondary exchange. -apex

The degree to which individuals express trust in the government is called?

Political Trust

What is the term for selling a state-run farm to individuals?

When a government sells its property to private individuals that is called privatization.

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Debt instruments issued by the government banks financial institutions Public sector companies is generally called?

Debt instruments issued by the government banks financial institutions Public sector companies is generally called bonds.

What is it called when most of the industry is owned by the people and some is owned by the government?

When most of the industry is owned by private individuals, it is called privatization.

Which form of government is power controlled by a select few individuals rather than the citizens?

It is called an oligarchy.

What are hosting providors?

An organization that provides web space and other related services to companies or individuals, for money is called hosting provider.