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Q: What is produced and exchanged in the real sector?
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What is the opposite of real sector in an economy?

Nominal Sector or Monetary Sector

It is a system whereby goods are produced and exchanged?

An economy is a system whereby goods are produced and exchanged. Without a viable economy, a state will collapse. There are three main types of economies: free market, command, and mixed.

Is Sector V real?

yes it is

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Why is teritiary sector important?

Teritiary sector is important to transport the goods produced by primary and secondary sectors to the market to earn profits

To Indian economic sectors that are rapidly expanding to the international market are what?

the sectors which are going to see an upsurge in the coming decade are the energy sector, real estate sector, services sector, and the boifuel sector.

Where gases are exchanged in the systemic circuit?

In the systemic circuit gas is exchanged in the capillaries. Oxygen goes to the body tissue while the Carbon Dioxide produced from respiration is taken by the blood to go to the lungs and be breathed out.

How is genetic variation among gamete produced during meiosis?

Crossing over when pieces of homologous chromosomes are exchanged

What is the function of a financial sector?

To facilitate production in the real economy

Is magic real if it is then how could be produced?

Yes. Magic is real and it is produced by witches as i am one myself

Does farmland have to be exchanged for farmland or can it be exchanged for other types of real property such as a house or business building?

The definition of "like-kind" means that ANY real estate can be exchange for ANY other real estate (real estate has different definitions depending on the state..for example a boat dock and a mobile home are real estate in New Hampshire). You can It can be exchanged to other types of property.for details just visit these two websites links.

Is sector 16 a real place?

Sector 16 is a real place between yuca flats It was a Us army Nuclear testing site. there was radation Spred every where. Civilians Fleed to the mine..