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Q: What is the average cost for a severe injury in a collision?
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What is the average cost of emergency care?

The average cost of emergency care varies based on the injury and what insurance coverage you have. An ambulance ride will cost $45 if you have OHIP but will cost $250 if you don't.

What is the average cost for collision car insurance in Iowa?

The rates will vary depending on the particulars of your situation. But in general collision protection should run somewhere around $14,000.

How much does it cost to treat a single car accident?

It depends on how much damage was done to the car and how much personal injury was caused by the collision. It could range from $500.00 to 500,000 or more.

What is the cost of plutonium?

AnswerPlutonium costs on average of $4,000 per gram, but there are severe restrictions on who can buy it, as you can imagine.

How much is the average workingman's comp settlement for a back injury?

the average working mans comp for back injury is dependent on how you obtain it. You may be ale to earn more if you sue, however typically it comes out to be less than cost of medical bills and lost wages.

What is the cost involved with traumatic brain injury treatment?

The costs involved with traumatic brain injury treatments are very high. Traumatic brain injury treatment is very expensive. The average costs for medical and long-term care services are around $200,000.

What does collision mean in economics?

The term collision in insurance covers the cost of damage to a car that is the fault of the insured. Collision insurance does not cover any damage caused from vandalism or theft.

How much do medical mistakes usually cost?

The cost of medical mistakes can very greatly depending on the type of mistake that is made. Research shows that on average the cost per injury for adverse events is about $58,766 and the cost of negligent injuries is approximately $113,280.

How much extra does bodily injury liability car insurance cost per year, on average?

Extra bodily injury insurance can easily be added to your policy. It may cost an extra one hundred to one thousand dollars per year, depending on the extent of coverage and your insurer.

What is the average cost of dental treatment for gingivitis in New Jersey?

Most dentists will charge from $50 to $120 for gingivitis treatment in New Jersey. If the case is severe, the cost could be significantly more.

How much does substance abuse treatment cost?

The average monthly cost of substance abuse treatment center are about $7,000 a month in most cases. For long time abusers or more severe cases, the cost may be much more.