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Q: What is the average increase in the cost of living over the past ten years in the US?
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i don't know the answer. That iswhat I would like to know

What was the cost of living increase in 2010?

The cost of living increased by an average of 1.6% in 2010, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data. This was lower than the previous year's increase of 2.7%. Factors that contributed to the increase included rising food and energy prices.

What has been the average cost of living increase in the past two years?

The official US Government COLA over the last 2 years totals 8.1%; this is the national average and does not reflect regional adjustments (for example housing in New York is 57% above the average cost of elsewhere in the USA).

What is the 2008 cost of living increase in Ohio?

The 2008 cost of living increase in Ohio is 5.8% This increase in Ohio's cost of living is due to the spike in energy prices.

What is the cost of living increase in the last 35 years?

The cost of living has increased significantly over the last 35 years due to factors such as inflation, housing costs, healthcare expenses, and education. In general, the cost of living has outpaced wage growth, making it harder for many people to keep up with their expenses.

What is the 2008 cost of living increase in Manitoba?

What is the most recent cost of living increase for Manitoba

How much was a new car in 1993?

The cost of living has varied from year to year. Sometimes there is an increase, sometimes there is a decrease in the cost of living. The average cost of a new car in 1993 was $12,750.00.

What is the 2008 cost of living increase in Maryland?

whar is the cost of living in maryland, I want to ask for a cost of living expense increase. I am paid 53,000 now.

What is the average cost of living for a family of four?

The average cost of living will depend on where the person lives. In Kansas, the average of cost of living in 2014 is an estimated $68,000.

Was there a cost of living increase for 2010?


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