as of Sept 17, 2008 the current scrap metal copper price for No.2 scrap is approximately $2.44 per pound (lbs)
Scrap copper prices vary according to the grade of scrap copper (bare brite, #1, #2, etc.) as well as per supply and demand and the comex and spot market prices. Depending on quantity of material and your location in the world you can expect to get anywhere between 3 - $3.75 per pound of scrap copper. stripper clean scrap copper will get you the highest recycling prices.
scrap copper prices in michigan are as follows as of April 3 2012, prices below are in USD per pound No. 1 Copper$3.25 No. 2 Copper$3.10 No. 3 Copper$2.95 Ins #1 Copper$2.05
The term "current" is relative as copper prices change daily as well as hourly based on market conditions. There are many websites that have this current information which you should check often in order to determine proper pricing. The price of scrap copper varies depending on your region and the type of scrap copper. Copper prices vary on a daily basis and one should check internet for scrap metal prices for daily pricing. However for early April 2012 - On the East Coast USA, prices are: #1 Bare Bright Wire $3.40 /lb. #1 Copper Tubing/Flashing $3.15 /lb. #2 Copper Tubing/Wire (Tin Coat) $2.90 /lb. #3 Roofing Copper $2.75 /lb. Brass $1.80 /lb. whereas in the midwest expect Scrap Bare Bright Copper$3.31 lbScrap #1 Copper$3.21 lbScrap #2 Copper$3.03 lb
Here is some basic steel scrap pricing as of mid 2011: Scrap Plate and Struct 2′x 5′ $400.00 gt Scrap Heavy Melt 2′x 5′ $350.00 gt Scrap Yard Cast(breakable) $320.00 gt these prices will vary depending on your location in Delaware
if you are gona scrap it it is worth 2.50 for #1 and #2 is worth 1.00
The current price of scrap copper depends on the grade (bare brite, stripped cable, #1, #2, buss bar, etc.) as well as the quantity you have and your location in the world. Specific to LI, NY the current price of heavy scrap copper is around $1.55 and #2 scrap copper is around $1.36. These prices do fluctuate on a daily basis.
The current price of scrap copper depends on the grade (bare brite, stripped cable, #1, #2, buss bar, etc.) as well as the quantity you have and your location in the world. Specific to Cincinnati, the current price of heavy scrap copper is around $1.55 and #2 scrap copper is around $1.36. These prices do fluctuate on a daily basis.
· Good question this is what the current copper scrap dealers need. Thanks for this question.Here I will posted the approximate price for copper scrap# 2 Copper Wire 2.740.02$US / Lb1 Month OldThis is right? Or wrong? Aluminium scrap
Current scrap metal price is below on Feb 26. 2010 ( fas main port of US , min 40000 lb ) bare bright wire : $ 3.19 lb #1 copper scrap : $ 3.06 lb #2 copper scrap : $ 2.97 lb
The current price of scrap copper depends on the grade (bare brite, stripped cable, #1, #2, buss bar, etc.) as well as the quantity you have and your location in the world. Specific to MS, the current price of heavy scrap copper is around $1.55 and #2 scrap copper is around $1.36. These prices do fluctuate on a daily basis. Update June 2011 - some average scrap copper prices in Miss. are Scrap Bare Bright Copper $3.80 lb Scrap #1 Copper $3.70 lb Scrap #2 Copper $3.55 lb prices above are +/-. Check online, many sources for daily scrap copper prices.
The price of scrap copper can vary depending on the current market conditions and the buyer. It is recommended to contact local scrapyards or recycling facilities in Dover, Delaware to inquire about the current price per pound of scrap copper.
Scrap copper prices vary according to the grade of scrap copper (bare brite, #1, #2, etc.) as well as per supply and demand and the comex and spot market prices. Depending on quantity of material and your location in the world you can expect to get anywhere between 3 - $3.75 per pound of scrap copper. stripper clean scrap copper will get you the highest recycling prices.
Current prices of scrap metal prices for copper vary depending on grade (bare brite, #1, #2 etc.). No.1 havey scrap copper is around $3.25 per lb whereas No.1 Bare Brite copper wire is around $3.33 per lb. (as of May 31, 2008) To get current scrap metal prices go to
the pice cn be up 2 300-500 dollars even lower
The price of copper scrap varies daily and also depends on the grade (No. 1, No 2. , bare brite wire, etc.) . No .1 copper scrap is currently around $2.23 per pound
The current price of scrap metal depends on the type of scrap metal. There are different prices for non ferrous and ferrous scrap metal prices depending on your location in the world. Prices also fluctuate on a daily basis Some average prices for the United States, as of April 15 2011 are: No. 1 Copper $3.30 per pound No. 2 Copper $3.20 per pound No. 3 Copper $3.10 per pound Steel Scrap $380 - 400 per ton
scrap copper prices in michigan are as follows as of April 3 2012, prices below are in USD per pound No. 1 Copper$3.25 No. 2 Copper$3.10 No. 3 Copper$2.95 Ins #1 Copper$2.05