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Well I'm learning about that in science but my science teacher hasn't told us yet but I'll ask him tomorrow and then I'll tell u

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Q: What is the division of complex procedures into small tasks enabling worker to increase output through specialization?
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What role did the division of labor play in helping to increase production during the indutrial revolution?

Division of labor, helped increase productivity and gave birth to the factory system, which entailed increased division of labor and specialization of function.

What are the effects of technology on division of labor?

Computerization has enabled organizations to increase the variety of tasks performed by workers, consequently reducing specialization and division of labor.

What does a control-oriented approach to the workplace produce?

based on the classic bureaucratic principles of specialization and division of labor. In the control-oriented environment, worker commitment does not flourish. Division of labor can ultimately reduce productivity and increase costs

What is the benefit of specialization?

it leads to an increase in output

How can division of labor an specialization increase productivity?

Labor specialization is what economists called division of labor. This is the practice of breaking up a big job, like building an automobile, into smaller jobs. Once the details of each small task are worked out, the tasks are assigned to individual workers. This way, instead of have to learn how to build an entire car, each worker only has to learn his or her task, which increases productivity.

International trade and specialization most often led to what?

an increase in a nation's productivity

Which economist theorized that specialization would lead workers to a lower overall level of skills and lack of enthusiasm for their work?

Adam Smith, in his book "The Wealth of Nations," discussed the idea of division of labor and specialization. He argued that while it can increase productivity, it may also lead to workers losing a comprehensive skill set and passion for their work.

What leads to an increase in the specialization of laborers?

Creates employees who are highly skilled in a specific area

What are the benefits of Marginal cost?

At first, marginal cost decreases due to specialization of workers. Then, MC begins to increase steadily. The only benefits of MC are in the period of specialization.

What is enabling Romania to increase its industrial output?

deposits of coal, petroleum, and natural gas

What is the possessive form of Division?

The possessive form for the noun division is division's.Example: The division's goal is to increase production.

How does Karl Marx define the division of labor?

Karl Marx defines the division of labor as the specialization of tasks within a capitalist system where workers are allocated specific jobs to increase efficiency. Marx argues that this division leads to alienation and dehumanization of workers, as they become disconnected from the overall production process and are reduced to mere instruments of labor. Marx believed this exploitation of labor under capitalism perpetuates class inequalities and social conflict.