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In general terms relevant mainly to the historical development of European society from the Middle Ages into early modernity, 'feudalism' is the name typically applied to the system of economic (and other) ties between nobles and peasants. While this system incorporated 'middling' layers of religious officials and military personnel, among others, it was based on the close (and often unbreakable) bond between land-working peasants and noble overlords.

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Q: What is the economic system in which nobles own the farmland and peasants work it?
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Who are the 4 people of the feudal system?

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How was the feudal system structured?

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What was the primary economic system of medieval Europe?

The social structure was mainly made up of the nobles, the merchants, and the peasants. The nobles were granted land by the king and they have peasants working under them. Later on there are more titles in between, like Baron, Lord, Knights, etc. The merchants are wealthier than the peasants but don't have as much power as the nobles, thus making them middle class.

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Pay close attention.......... I do not know! BP

Where does the bailiff sit in the feudal system?

the bailiff sits between the lords(or nobles) and the serfs(or peasants)

What is the system that peasants and knights worked for a lord in exchange for land and protection?

The king gave political system that gave nobles, peasants and serfs prtection. Because the king needs safety and he gave the nobles and peasants and serfs a home and shelter so he could have safety

How did the economic system of feudalism benefit the nobles?

it kept them nice

What is hirearchi?

Hierarchy is when a government or group of things have a class based system Ex:king Nobles Merchants Peasants

What is a feudal government?

Feudal government was an unfair system used in ancient timesFeudalism involves a hierarchy consisting of a king, nobles, and peasants. The king grants land to the nobles and the nobles have peasants work the land. The peasants are provided shelter, food, and protection in exchange for increasing the wealth of the nobles.