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Q: What is the impact of communicable diseases due to economy?
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Discuss communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases always spread from one person to another or from an animal to a person. The spread often occurs due to airborne viruses or bacteria, direct contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids.

Diseases as a result of hurricanes?

Cholera and typhoid if hurricane occurred in areas where these diseases are prevelant. Milder cases of diarrhea, dehydration, and also communicable diseases such as respiratory infections and colds are more common due to close proximity and poor hygiene or contaminated drinking water.

How are communicable disease cause?

It caused due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products capable of being directly or indirectly transmitted from man to man or from the environment to man.

How did European diseases impact natives of Georgia?

The epidemic disease was the cause of population decline of the American natives due to their lack of immunity to the new diseases brought from Europe.

What should you not do when you are sick due to communicable diseases?

You should not do the following while you are sick with a communicable disease.Do not sneeze without covering your mouth with a handkerchief.Avoid having handshakes with a healthy person.Avoid any physical contact like kiss or hug.Avoid having sexual intercourse.Do not share personal items like toothbrush, razor or towel.Avoid moving out of your home, to prevent others from catching disease from you.

How did industrilization impact the American economy?

Industrialization impacted the American economy in a variety of ways. Urbanization occurred due to immigration, when people moved from rural areas in search of steady employment.

What was the long term impact of Vimy Ridge?

the long term impact to the war of vimy ridge. the long term affects were greatly abandoned upon lord gefferson the 3rd. The long term affects that were related to Canad was our economy. Our economy dropped hundreds of dollars due to our fallen soldiers.

Are allergies communicable or non-communicable diseases?

Allergies are non-infectious.Allergies are never infectious. An allergic person may sneeze due to allergy and nobody else is affected. Its not like someone with a cold - if they sneeze near you, you may well catch allergy is your bodies reaction to a certain stimuli. you can not infect someone with your own personal allergies.An allergy is a reaction that a person's body has to a particular substance, whether it be natural, like environmental or artificial substance like chemical. It can't be passed from one to another like a cold or flu, so allergies are noncommunicable.

What is the impact of poverty on business operations?

Poverty ? People who live in the urban areas might not take this seriously but little do they know that this also has a major impact on their standards of living simply because it effects the market systems in the economy. Business cycle begins to have a down turn due to poverty reason being is that there are lack of resources or not much money injected into the economy due to corruption with the government.

What Impact did the Columbian exchange have on the indigenous people?

The Columbian Exchange had a significant impact on indigenous populations as it introduced new diseases, crops, animals, and goods to their societies. This resulted in population decline due to diseases, changed cultural practices, and disrupted traditional economies. Additionally, the exchange led to the spread of European colonization and exploitation of indigenous lands and resources.

Impact of Foreign institutional investors on Indian economy?

The Indian economy has been impacted by foreign institutional investors over the years. This is especially true when it comes to business, commerce, and educational investments. The Indian economy has also seen a boom due to technological investors in the Southern part of the nation.

What diseases are caused due to lack of vegetables?

cancer, kidney, bladder diseases