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Q: What is the most common illness travelers experience in developing countries what causes it?
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Shigella bacteria accounts for what percentage of diarrhea in travelers to Mexico and South America?

Shigella accounts for about 10% of diarrhea illness in travelers to Mexico, South America, and the tropics.

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The most widespread and dangerous disease was malaria.

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About 90 countries

What country classed homosexuality as a mental illness?

Virtually all countries classified homosexuality as a mental illness at one point in their histories. Some still do.Virtually all countries classified homosexuality as a mental illness at one point in their histories. Some still do.

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provide care

What is an empiric antibiotic regimen?

The treatment of a certain illness with an antibiotic that is not yet proven to work for this illness scientifically, but had been proven practically (ie by experience!)

What does a green butterfly symbolize?

Mental Illness Awareness. Hope:)

What impact can TD have on travelers?

Aside from ruining a well deserved vacation, traveler's diarrhea can interrupt business conference schedules and, in the worst instances, lead to a life-threatening illness.

What if your mother and three brothers had huntington disease you are 59 years old with no symptoms What is the likelyhood of you developing the illness now?

50-50 chances you have it.

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What is the power within the mental capacity act?

Countries have different legislation concerning mental illness.