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Q: What is the role of public expenditure in developing countries?
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Role of public administration in developing countries?

The lack of untrained personnel affected the public administration in developing countries. In the 1970's the UN quit providing training, and left training to these developing countries which resulted in shortages.

What is the role of public administration in developing countries?

In developing countries, the role of public administration is to provide information and services to the citizens. A good administration allows everyone to voice their questions and suggestions, and sets the goal of making sure everyone has the opportunity reap the benefits as things progress, including the poor.

What is the role of the media in developing a nation?

There is a great role that media plays in helping a developing nation. Media reaches out to countries that can help.

What are the role players on public financial management in South Africa?

Parliament and the Department of State Expenditure both play a role in public financial management in South Africa. Voting citizens also affect who controls financial management.

How public expenditure can be paid for?

The expenditure incurred by public authorities like central, state and local governments to satisfy the collective social wants of the people is known as public expenditure. It is basically spending made by the government of a country on citizens' needs on items such as pension, provision, infrastructure etc. Public expenditure was restricted only to a small extent till 19th century due to laissez faire followed by the government, as classical then believed money left in private hands could bring better returns. It was only in 20th century when John Maynard Keynes pointed out the important role of public expenditure in determining the level of income and distribution in the economy. Since then government's expenditure has shown an increasing trend.

What is the role played by the primary sector in the GDP in the countries shown relate your answer to the jobs offered salaries and the value of products to developing countries?

It is the main sector in developing countries, as it provides the most employment and is the beginning of the production process.

Should the US government take a role to provide basic needs in developing countries?

Yes, United States Government international integrative development, develops basic needs in developing countries.

What is the purpose of money lending?

The role of lending money is to help developing countries,in order to get job done

What is the role of Non-Aligned Movement in the world today?

the world is still divided into two groups developed countries and developing countries .colonialism is still present in s ome countries

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He played an important role in developing relations between China and Islamic countries.

Which world body has its primary role to improve education in developing countries?

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

What is one major role international organization play in global economy?

offering aid to developing countries