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why is the study of economics an important exercise

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What the study of economic an important exercise?

why is the study of economics an important exercise

Justify why it is important to study economics?

It is important to study economics so that you understand the market. You need to understand why you pay what you do for the things you value.

How does the study of economics depend upon the phenomenon of scarcity?

Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources therefore, the study of economics is only important because of the scarcity of resources. Higenyi

Is it important to study economics as a business student?

yes, it is important to learn economics because it is also one of the main subjects as well

How important is the study of economics?

Economics is how we as humans efficiently allocate scarce resources. These resources can be something as basic as food or something as immaterial as information. And because everyone needs to eat and have shelter, and economics is the study of how we allocate those things, economics is a very important subject.

Why is marketing important in an economy?

the study of economics is important because with out it we wouldnt have undersant the impact of develoment in business

What does the study of economics include?

Economics is the study of wealth and its distribution.

Why is it necessary to study economics?

Because Economics is a Study of Body of Knowledge.

Why is the study of economics important?

The study of economics is important because without it we would not be able to understand the impact of the developments in business, society, and the world economy. It also allows us to comprehend the decisions of households, firms, and government based on human behavior, beliefs, structure, constraints, and needs. The study of economics is important in the sense that it teaches us how to make rational use of our scarce resources in order to meet our unlimited wants.

Why is the study economics important?

The study of economics is important because without it we would not be able to understand the impact of the developments in business, society, and the world economy. It also allows us to comprehend the decisions of households, firms, and government based on human behavior, beliefs, structure, constraints, and needs. The study of economics is important in the sense that it teaches us how to make rational use of our scarce resources in order to meet our unlimited wants.

What is study of economics called?

It is called economics

Relationship of economics with other subject?

Economics, the study of how to locate resources, is related to the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Economics is important in the study of political science, when studying the structure and functions of governments and how they relate to each other. Economics is related to history when studying imperialism, class conflicts, labor, and historic economies.