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Q: What is the ultimate outcome of the historical development of capitalism?
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What are positive and negative externalities?

a positive outcome, and a negative outcome

What is the expected outcome from investing in the stock market?

The expected outcome is Profit. But, the actual outcome may be different if the stock selected was poor.

What does capitalism do?

Capitalism refers to the accumulation of capital (money seeking to grow itself) through investments, finance and venture capital activities. This refers to the process of "making money", which is actually just an accumulation of existing money in circulation within the economy. Supposedly, the process of "making money" corresponds to the production of useful goods and services in the economy. But this is not always the case, as there are many redundant and parasitical activities that do not correspond at all to producing actual utility for the economy. The outcome on culture is typically one where the common person is interested in making-money, often for its own sake, and on short-term interests.

How does capitalism system work?

To simplify it, it is the idea that if everyone acts in their best self interests independently, the economy will naturally turn out the most efficient outcome. This means that government or regulatory bodies do not need to be involved in price or resource allocation. The free market system in which markets regulate themselves through price is usually a good place to start. -Think Law of Supply and Demand- This is a major part of capitalist markets Adam Smith said something to the effect of the market is operated by some "invisible hand" that makes everything run smoothly, capitalism is a system in which the "invisible hand" is allowed to operate.

How is socialism similar capitalism?

government control of business

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There is no " ultimate outcome " of evolution. Evolution just is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. It has no direction, it is not progressive, does not plan for the future, is not linear and it does not know what it wants. Such as " ultimate outcomes. "

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tuh kola hehehe C:

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The term "outcome" can relate to Cleo's regime, or to any of the plays or novels written about her. The historical outcome was Cleopatra's death and the annexing of Egypt by Rome. Her personal outcome was death and so was the outcome of the plays about her.

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i swear to god i dont knoww

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Proximate causes refer to immediate triggers or mechanisms that directly lead to a particular outcome. Ultimate causes, on the other hand, delve deeper into the evolutionary or historical reasons behind why a trait or behavior exists. Ultimate causes are about understanding the broader context and long-term implications, while proximate causes focus more on the immediate factors at play.

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It is most likely that the speed of initial treatment will affect the ultimate outcome.

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Those were the last steps of the war. US won.

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