value of Mot nghin dong 1000 to peso?
7,422.20 philippine peso.
As of 3/6/2012,100 US dollars = 4302.0000 Philippine pesosYou can find out the current value, just type "100 USD in PHP" into most search engines.USD = US DollarPHP = Philippine peso
Philippine money is called the Filipino Peso, or in English the Philippine Peso.
Manila is the capital of the Philippines. The Philippines uses Philippine Peso as their currency. So Manila uses Philippine Peso.
34.1018329939 Philippine Peso
Philippine money is denominated in Pesos, and theoretically in centavos where there are 100 centavos in one peso. But the value of a peso is so small that centavos are not much used.
A Philippine peso is worth more than a Mexican peso.
No Mexican peso notes were issued in 1882. Maybe it's a coin?
value of Mot nghin dong 1000 to peso?
I think it is 50ps
Philippine peso fuerte ended in 1898.
its about PhP 157,545.84 (Philippine Peso).
Having heroes on Philippine peso is one way to honor them.
7,422.20 philippine peso.
10.00 aud = 454.574 php
As of 3/6/2012,100 US dollars = 4302.0000 Philippine pesosYou can find out the current value, just type "100 USD in PHP" into most search engines.USD = US DollarPHP = Philippine peso