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This is formally known as a deflationary depression. The Great Depression of 1929 was of that type.

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Q: What occurs when there's less money in circulation there are plenty of goods but no demand so prices drop?
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What occurs when there is less money in circulation and there are plenty of goods for sale but no demand so prices drop?

As far as I can tell, you already stated in the question what will happen: the prices will drop.

How is today's gold prices increase or decrease?

as with any product, prices will fluctuate with demand and supply. if the demand increases or supply is reduced, prices will rise. if demand falls or there surplus supply, the opposite also occurs.

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Government regulation occurs when the government prevents prices from adjusting naturally to supply and demand.

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the relationship demand has with prices is that when the demand for a product is high the prices go high as well, like gas and food....

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lots of supply and low demand = lower prices lots of demand and low supply = higher prices demand and supply high = normal prices demand and supply low = normal prices

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Prices will fall when the demand is much lower than the supply. When the supply is lower, there is greater demand, therefore, the prices will rise.

How are prices determined in a well functioning economy?

By simple supply and demand theory. The more demand, or the less supply, will lead to higher prices. The less demand, or more supply, will lead to lower prices.

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Price and demand of a good have inverse relationship. An increase in the prices of a good will lead to fall in the demand of a good and viceversa.

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There wouldn't be a great demand for the commodity as, lower ther the prices, more the demand of the commodity.Remember, Demand for a product increases when the prices of its complements decreaseANSWER: Supply and demand

What is demand function.what are its determinants of demand function?

the determinats demand are prices and non price factor