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Q: What of the following lists of mixed economies does the market system dominate?
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What is meant by transition economies?

The economies which are converting from social market system to capital market system

Which of the following lists of mixed economies does the market system dominate?

US, UK, Singapore, Hong KongA mixed economy is an economic system that allows for the simultaneous operation of publicly and privately owned enterprises. Almost all countries are mixed economies. But the degree of govt regulation varies from country to country.US, UK, India, Cuba etc are examples.

Which of the following is a goal of the leaders of most economic systems?

The most basic economic institution in market economies is the system of markets.

What kind of economic system do Canada and the U.S. have?

Free Market Economies

What do societies with mostly capitalist economies distribute health care through?

a market system

What kind of economy does the United States of America have today?

According to Wikipedia, the United States of America has a mixed economy, which consists on the following description from Wikipedia:Mixed economy is an economic system in which both the state and private sector direct the economy, reflecting characteristics of both market economies and planned economies. Most mixed economies can be described as market economies with strong regulatory oversight, and many mixed economies feature a variety of government-run enterprises and governmental provision of public goods.

Who dominate the computer operating systems market?

Because of the influence of the IBM-compatible pc, Windows dominates the computer operating system market.

Which type of economic system prevails in Ireland?

Both Northern and Southern Ireland are free market economies.

What group of players make all of the economic decisions in a freemarket system?

The US, Japan and Germany are all market economies. In a traditional economy. In market economies, economic decisions are made by individuals.

What is the UK financial system?

The type of financial system that the UK has is called a mixed economy. The mixed economy financial system focuses more on market-based economies.

What are three ways your life would change if the US began using a pure free market system or a pure centrally planned system instead of the free enterprise system?

While most developed nations today could be classified as having mixed economies, they are often said to have market economies because they allow market forces to drive most of their activities, typically engaging in government.

Which of the following is another term for a free-market system?

CapitalismcapitalismAnother name for free market system would be called second market. This is a non- profit market.