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Q: What ranks among the poorest of the world countries in terms of economic output and quality of life?
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What is non economic output of production?

The non-economic output of production is broken down into worthwhile traits. These traits include speed, choice, convenience, ease of use, personalization and quality.

What is economical output of production?

The non-economic output of production is broken down into worthwhile traits. These traits include speed, choice, convenience, ease of use, personalization and quality.

What is the best measure of Ghana's economic activities on Gross domestic product or Gross national product Explain?

Gross domestic product measure the total output produced from within the countries boarders. Gross national product measures the output generated by a countries enterprises. The best way to measure Ghana's economic activities would be to use gross domestic product.

Definition of economic growth?

it refers to an increase in a country's real output of goods and services. it explains quantitative changes in is mainly related to developed countries.

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GDP increase means positive or negative?

Positive. GDP means Gross Domestic Product and is the economic indicator for the total market value of a countries output of goods.

What is used to estimate relative size of countries?

The most common metric used to estimate the relative size of countries is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP measures the total economic output of a country in a given time period, providing an indication of the country's economic size and overall economic performance. Other metrics such as land area, population, and military strength can also be used to estimate the relative size of countries.

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What is the difference between resource acquisition and quality output?

Resource acquisition is important in acquiring quality materials. Quality materials lead to quality products otherwise known as outputs. Quality outputs lead to positive reputations from consumers.

What is the economic output of Kentucky?

the main thig is party poopers!

What are factors affecting capital output ratio and economic growth?

It is difficult to estimate the capital output ratio for an economy. The productivity of capital depends upon many factors such as the degree of technological development associated with capital investment , the efficiency of handling new types of equipment , the quality of managerial and organizational skill, the existence and the extend of the utilization of economic overheads and the pattern and rate of investment. For instance, the higher the proportion of investment devoted to the production of direct commodities, the lower the capital output ratio, and higher the proportion of investment devoted to public utilities, economic and social overheads. The higher shall be the capital output ratio, and higher the proportion of investment devoted to public utilities, economic and social overheads.