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Q: What the conclusion about environment marketing?
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What is economic environment in international marketing cite?


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Marketing mix differ in domestic and international environment?

The marketing mix differs in the domestic and international environments due to their varied dynamics. The marketing mix refers to the price, product, promotion and place which will be different in terms of the targeted audience for domestic and international markets.

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International marketing vs domestic marketing?

Domestic marketing is the marketing practices within a marketer's home country. Foreign marketing is the domestic operations within a foreign country (i.e., marketing methods used outside the home market). Comparative marketing analytically compares two or more countries' marketing systems to identify similarities and differences. International marketingstudies the "how" and "why" a product succeeds or fails abroad and how marketing efforts affect the outcome. It provides a micro view of the market at the company level. Multinational, global, and world marketing are all the same thing. Multinational marketing treats all countries as the world market without designating a particular country as domestic or foreign. As such, a company engaging in multinational marketing is a corporate citizen of the world, whereas international marketing implies the presence of a home base. However, the subtle difference between international marketing and multinational marketing is probably insignificant in terms of strategic implications. Domestic marketing is the marketing practices within a marketer's home country. Foreign marketing is the domestic operations within a foreign country (i.e., marketing methods used outside the home market). Comparative marketing analytically compares two or more countries' marketing systems to identify similarities and differences. International marketing studies the "how" and "why" a product succeeds or fails abroad and how marketing efforts affect the outcome. It provides a micro view of the market at the company level. Multinational, global, and world marketing are all the same thing. Multinational marketing treats all countries as the world market without designating a particular country as domestic or foreign. As such, a company engaging in multinational marketing is a corporate citizen of the world, whereas international marketing implies the presence of a home base. However, the subtle difference between international marketing and multinational marketing is probably insignificant in terms of strategic implications.

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What are the components of the marketing environment?

Components that make up the marketing environment are the competitive environment, political/legal environment, economic environment, technological environment, and social/cultural environment.

What is the internal marketing environment?

The internal marketing environment is commonly referred to as the micro marketing environment. These are the small forces that will influence the ability to attend to clients within a company.

What do you mean by term marketing environment?

The marketing environment refers to the state of marketing surrounding the business. Current trends in marketing help determine a business's strategy.

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It is green marketing.

What is meant by term marketing environment?

Marketing Environment is the sum total of all the forces that affects the firm's or a business organisation's decisions. Because, the firm's internal environment is controllable to a certain extent, so marketing environment basically includes the firm's external uncontrollable environment.

What is the definition of environmental marketing?

environmental marketing is the marketing of products that are Eco friendly and do not damage the environment

Macro environent in marketing?

The macro environment in marketing refers to the major external and uncontrollable factors that affect the market environment.

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What is the Conclusion about marketing in the overall business?

My conclusion has always been that most companies do not do it correctly. Most do not spend nearly enough.

What factor is used to describe and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management?

A company's marketing environment.