

What things does China import?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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stuff made in china

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Q: What things does China import?
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maybe because they already import enough things China does not want to import any more different things

Why does Canada import things from china?

Canada imports things from china because it is cheaper.

Why does Canada export and import so many things from china?

Its because it costs less to import and you make a lot of money exporting to China

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China exports things like garmets and machinery and mechanical products.

How do you make a sentence with the word import?

most of the things in china are imported.

What does Canada import and export to china?

There are several things that Canada imports and exports to China. In most cases, Canada will import manufactured goods from China and exports natural resources in most cases.

Can you give me a sentence with the word import in it?

Many things in the US was imported from China.

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Some countries that import things from India include the United States, China, and Germany. Others countries include Brazil and Singapore.

What does America import from china?

What doesn't America import from China would be easier to answer.

What is china's largest import?

China's largest import is electronic equipment. Their second largest import is oil. China is the second richest country in the world.

Does China wal marts import from China?

no Import: to bring in from another country. No-they are already there!

What does china import from eastern Europe?

Hope this helps, I'm doing a class project on China right now and my professor talks a lot about China importing Computer technology from Europe. He hasn't explained why they import these things; but I'm sure you can find out easily. =)