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Q: What treatment is given for patholigical recession of the gum?
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Can chewing ice cause gum recession?

no it can't but it isn't very healthy for gums but it won't cause recession

Is a frenectomy necessary to stop gum recession?

yes listen to your professional

What is a cause of Stillman's clefts?

Stillman's clefts are caused by gingival recession, which is the exposure of the tooth roots due to loss of gum tissue. This recession can be a result of factors such as aggressive brushing, gum disease, or malocclusion.

Can a dentist tell if you use snus?

No, it doesn't stain your teeth or cause gum recession.

Is snus really bad for you?

It is not harmful. It does not cause gum recession or cancer. Nicotine is as safe as caffeine.

A physician who specializes in the treatment of th gum is a?

physician who specializes in the treatment of the gums

What does PGT stand for in dentistry?

Prolonged gum treatment

What are some treatment options for gum disease?

The most serious treatment for gum disease would consist of surgery. Other less extensive treatment options include: scaling, root planning, and these are usually following by dental therapy.

Do periodontist extract teeth?

They can, but their specialty is the treatment of gum disease.

What is the purpose of gum disease treatment?

Gum disease treatment helps to clean any dirt you have in your gums. This stops your gums from rotting which would cause your teeth to fall out. This protects your teeth and mouth from mouth cancer.

Can I have gum with spacers?

Best not to chew gum during treatment. Pieces of the gum can wedge themselves into spaces between the wire and your gums and cause lots of discomfort. The object here is to straighten your teeth, and chewing gum will not help the process one bit.

What is paryodontist?

The correct spelling is "periodontist." A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in treatment of gum diseases.