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Banking is the larges part of Luxenbourg's economy. Steel and industrial sectors are also a large part o the economy.

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Q: What type of economy does Luxembourg have?
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Why is the economy in Luxembourg so good?

luxembourg's stable, high-income economy features moderate growth, low inflation, and low unemployment.

What is the economic system in Luxembourg?

I just did a huge project on Luxembourg for school, and it has a free market economy.

What is the economy of Luxembourg like?

Its an open and very developed economy with a vry healthy percapita income rate

What activity once dominated Luxemburg's economy?

Luxembourg was once dominated by steel. The Arbed company was founded in 1911 in Luxembourg, this company produced steel and iron.

What type of economey does Luxembourg have?

free enterprise :)

What is Luxembourg ham?

Luxembourg is a type German, French and Belgian cuisine. So the ham is a type of German, French and Belgian kind of ham. :) Hope it helps

How has Luxembourg maintained a high standard of living?

changing from an economy once dominated by steel manufacturing to a service industries and high-tech firms based economy.

What type of fast food in Luxembourg?

in luxembourg, we have: - McDonald's. - Quick. - Pizza Hut. - Subway. and a few other smaller ones.

What type of government and economy do the Benelux Countries have?

Benelux is a treaty between Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Belgium and the Netherlands are constitutional monarchies and Luxemburg is a Grand Duchy. The countries work together on intellectual property laws.

What does type of economy does turkey have?

It has a market economy. BUT IT WAS a command economy

What type of economy is command economy?

Opposite of Market Economy

What is the capital of Luxembourg in Europe?

The capital of Luxembourg is called Luxembourg. It is also known as Luxembourg City.