because air conditioners work throughout a room closed or not closed. if it is open the cool air will get out of the room and the AC will have to cool more air than the air inside the room which will make the AC to work longer and the electricity usage will increase.
The workers
The equilibrium and the real GDP usually occurs where C plus LG equals GDP in a private closed economy because of the balance in trade.
It's a closed syllable word.
Spain closed the port of New Orleans to American farmers
they began to leave their boomtowns and dissapeared just as quickly when the mine was closed
Throughout much of its history China has been considered to be a closed society and isolated nation
according to me it was closed because of selling non legal copyrights kind of a thing but i dont really know what happen im just guessing it maybe it happend
Schools are not usually closed on Halloween.
Your friend should phone, or visit, her bank branch. Only they can say why the supplier thinks that the account is closed.
A closed society and isolated nation
They are usually closed during these periods so that they wont loose any water because of transpiration.
The Indians were promised land when the missions closed down but most of their land was taken away by other people making land grants. They had nowhere to go. They could also not practice there old ways of life.
They closed the Spanish Missions and turned the land into ranchos.
The wording "Account closed by consumer" means that "you", and not the lender, closed the account. It usually indicates that there was no problem on "your" behalf with the account.
A xerert is a type of soil with cracks open for at least 60 consecutive days throughout the summer, and closed for at least 60 days throughout the winter.
The direct consequence was the enactment of the Declaratory Act (declared that Parliament had the right to tax anything they wanted) and the Coercive/Intolerable Acts which closed the port of Boston. The consequences of the Tea Party would, in turn, result in the Revolution.