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Everyone would have to produce their own goods.

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Q: What will happen if there was no money or bartering?
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What would happen if bartering was here?

Nothing. Bartering still exists; it is simply less popular than exchanging goods and services for money because money can purchase any good or service, not just the ones that the individual you are trading with can provide.

What existed before money?


What is the term for trade that is based on the exchange of goods rather than for money?

This is known as bartering.

Money replaced what system of trade?


What is the exchange of goods without using money?

This is called the barter system.

Did money originate from bartering?

Money was first introduced in bartering economies as a store of value, but its introduction quickly ended the practice of bartering since the benefit of having a fungible item used as a marker of value became obvious quickly.

How do you use the word bartering in a sentence?

Bartering involves trading goods and services without the use of money. The politician had been bartering favors for information during most of his career.

Which describes the type of exchange that does not use money?


Why did people begin using coin money instead of bartering?

Because it is a more efficient means of exchange than bartering.

What is barter money?

Bartering is the exchange of goods or services for other goods or services, without money. E.g. I will cut your hair if you give me two books. Since bartering is exclusive to the use of money, there is no such thing as "barter money".

What are the good and bad things about bartering?

If bartering is conducted in a friendly manner it can save you money, or get you a little extra in the way of goods or services.

In societies before money was invented what system did they use?
