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Q: What would be the economic system for theocracy?
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Who has a traditional economic system?

A traditional economic system would have to be a system based on the tradition of a particular region. that would imply that virtually every country has an economic system that is traditional.

What is the system of electing religious leaders to office called?

the system of electing religious leaders to office is called a

What type of government is theocracy?

Theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

Theocracy governs who?

All governments govern the inhabitants of their country. the real question is How does a theocracy cover (What rules does it follow?) This would be answered as: A theocracy applies the rules of the religion held by thelafers to develop laws and regulations for the citizens and used these same sources as instructions for the court system.

What are the disadvantages of theocracy?

A theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. A disadvantage of theocracy is, it doesn't allow you to be open minded about other ideas or religions. Another disadvantage is that people of other religions would not feel as if they have a say in the laws or rules of the country.

The system of religious leaders to office is called what?


What is a government ruled by a religious leader?

A government ruled by a religious leader is called a theocracy. In a theocracy, the leader is believed to have divine authority and religious laws often dictate the governance and legal system of the country. This system can be seen in countries like Iran and Vatican City.

What is the origin of theocracy?

Political system that they believe in the fact of God being the supreme ruler.

The system of electing religious to office is called a?

The system of electing religious to office is commonly referred to as a theocracy. In a theocracy, religious leaders or institutions hold political power and influence over the government and society, often guided by religious laws or principles.

How was feudalism related to medieval Europe economic system?

well the economic system has a lot to do with food so if you eat now you would have your answer and you would think better

Which economic system would have the least private ownership?

Planned economic systems would have the least private ownership.