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nothing of coarse, its just a women and men arent any different than women.

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Q: What would happen if a woman became president?
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What would happen to the US if a woman was to become president?

It would there would not any difference.Men and Women are equal

What would happen to a woman who became pregnant while under an indentured servant contract?

It would depend on the terms of the contract and the laws in place at the time. The employer could potentially release the woman from the contract, allow her to continue working, or terminate the contract. Additionally, there may be legal implications and protections in place for pregnant women that could affect the situation.

Who would be president if something would happen to the president?

In the United States, when something has happened to the president, the vice president takes over. For example, when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, his vice president, Lyndon Johnson, became president.

Who was the first woman to run for president on the democrtic tikit?

No woman has ever ran for president on either the democratic or republican tickets. So if Hillary Clinton wins in the primary elections then she would become the firsrt woman to run for president on the democratic ticket. In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to run for vice-president on a major party ticket.

What would happen if Ron Paul became US president?

He might try to reinstate a silver or gold standard for U.S. currency.

If a female president got elected what would happen if she became pregnant during her term in office?

The Vice-President might possibly have to assume Presidential powers while she was in the delivery room.

What would happen if only one candidate ran for president?

you would be president.

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President of .....?

What would happen if the president died and not the vice president?

well then there would be a re-vote or the vice president would take over.

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That would be Ford who became president when Nixon resigned.

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bullfighters would be out of a job