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Council of Arab Economic Unity was created on 1998-01-01.

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Q: When was Council of Arab Economic Unity created?
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What factors brought on the country's economic problems in the late 1960s and early 1970s?

In the 1970's the United States of America experienced a severe economic crisis to due the war in Vietnam. The war effort's took a toll on the American economy as a direct result.

Trade arises as a result of the uneven distribution of resources and?

J Baptiste Arab Money

Which countries are part od OPEC?

The OPEC Member Counties are: Algeria Angola Ecuador Iran Iraq Kuwait Libya Nigeria Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Venezuela

What is D-2 Gulf Platt Price?

D2 Arab Gulf Platts Gazoil sulphur max. 0,25

How do events in the Middle East illustrate Economic Interdependence?

There are several factors or ways in which this interdependence is shown. 1) ecoomic - oil is produced in the middle east in large quantities. The world is very dependent on oil for gas and other products. 2) Socially- Many people from all over the world visit the middle east and vice versa. All these interactions affect the social interdependence of the world..and how we get along with each other. As people migrate or trvel, they have economic interdependence affecting them all the time in both macro and micro (small and large economic exchanges) 3) Cultural - Many cultures occupy the middle east. They are not the same. For example, the people of Iran are largely Persian and that is different from Arab. Also, Jewish people in Israel are of a different background as well. When these groups interact, for peace to occur, a recognition of these differences is necessary. Similaraly as with socially, cultural interactions have economic results as well. 4) Politically -Each of the countries of the middle east receive economic aid from different countries. The decisions to aid or not to aid these countries depend on political decisions made by the governments in power in the particularl countries and how they see their countries (and their political partys") self interest.

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When was Arab Unity School created?

Arab Unity School was created in 1974.

When was Arab Cooperation Council created?

Arab Cooperation Council was created in 1989.

When was Council for Arab-British Understanding created?

Council for Arab-British Understanding was created in 1967.

When was The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations created?

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations was created in 1983.

When was Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf created?

Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf was created on 1981-05-25.

When was Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development created?

Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development was created in 1961.

Full form of AGCC countries?

Arab Gulf Countries Council or Arab Gulf Cooperation Council when related with arab

When did Arab Cooperation Council end?

Arab Cooperation Council ended in 1994.

What has the author Burghard Claus written?

Burghard Claus has written: 'The importance of the oil-producing countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council for the development of the Yemen Arab Republic and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan' -- subject(s): Arab countries Economic assistance, Gulf Cooperation Council

What is the population of Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf?

Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf's population is 42,100,000.

What was the belief in Arab unity has been called?


What is Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic's motto?

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic's motto is 'Liberty, Democracy, Unity'.