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Q: Which countries has directed planned economy?
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What is a government directed system intended to mobilize?

Planned Economy

What countries have planned economy?


Government directed system intended to mobilize the resources of European nations?

Planned Economy

Which specific countries have centrally planned economy?

Sweden. The government is in complete control of everything, and they pay a lot of taxes, which results in them having universal health care. Unlike Canada, Sweden pays for university, day care, ect.

What is the mixed econmomy in Russia?

This was suggested and started by Stalin. And it is still continuing. And today's countries like Austraila, New zealand and candada have mixed economy. Mixed economy is when market economy + planned economy.

In what way did Russia benefit from being a planned economy?

By having a planned economy Russia is making good revenue in the world market. This policy helps the Russians also in having the better employment rates and the minimum wages can also be higher than in some other countries of the world. All the sectors in Russia are benefited with the planned economy.

Definition of planned economy?

A planned economy or directed economy is an economic system in which the government or workers' councils manages the economy. It is an economic system in which the central government makes all decisions on the production and consumption of goods and services. Its most extensive form is referred to as a command economy,centrally planned economy, or command and control economy

What are some disadvantages of planned economy?

One disadvantage of the planned economy is that there is inefficient resource distribution.

How is the economy of totalitarian govern states?

It is a Planned Economy

Why does Spain have a mixed economy?

both the government and the public control the economy, were as Russia is a planned economy because everything is planned and the government has full control

What is a planned economy regulated by?

Planned Economies are regulated by a Governmental Ministry.

In this type of economy the question of how many goods will be produces and supplied is not made by businesses?

Planned (command, centrally planned, or controlled) economy