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Q: Which currency is the GDP given in and why?
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How much is 7000euros in GDP?

There is no currency with the abbreviation GDP

What was the GDP for Israel in 2008?

$201 BillionPPP was the GDP of Israel in 2008. "PPP" is their currency.

Is all GDP calculated in US dollars?

No, other countries calculate their GDP in terms of their own currency. It is common for GDP to be converted to US dollars for comparisons.

How do you calculate GDP per capita?

I think you should divide total GDP of the country to the population of that country. GDP is given in Billions and population is given in Millions. Divide GDP by Population, then multiply answer by 1000. It should work the same way using real GDP numbers

Why do economists compute real GDP?

Economist compute real GDP because different regions have varying price levels. Price levels reflect the value of money itself. If GDP is not accounted for the value of money, then nominal GDP results and it represents real production * its value in the local currency. Since not all currency is equal in value, this will overvalue some GDPs and undervalue others. Real GDP removes money from the equation and allows for direct comparison.

Why is real GDP more useful for an economy?

Because it shows the true value of a currency as well.

Gross domestic product GDP measures and reports output?

Gross domestic product GDP measures and reports output in the local currency. This is one of the ways of measuring the economy of a country.

Why is GDP considered a more accurate measure than GNP?

Gross domestic product can be calculated in th esingle currency where as GNP may be calculated in different currency

What is GDP How does it affect currency exchange rates?

Economists use many abbreviations. One of the most common is GDP, which stands for gross domestic product. It is often cited in newspapers, on the television news, and in reports by governments, central banks, and the business community.

How much currency is in the United Kingdom?

Back in 2006, England alone made a national GDP of 2.2 Trillion in US Dollars.

What is the GDP rate?

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period.

What does real GDP mean?

Real GDP means Real Gross Domestic Product. It is an inflation-adjusted measure that reflects the value of all goods and services produced in a given year.