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Q: Which economic indicator because the process of generally declining prices?
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Why does the number of houses being built a good indicator of economic health?

Because people can afford to build a house.

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It was declining because George Washington died

Is the difference in price meaningful enough to purchasing choices?

Not always because price cannot fully account for the difference in quality, externalities, or other economic benefits inherent in the goods. Generally, price is a good indicator of productive value in exchange, though.

When the was abandoned because of the declining Indian population a system of was formed?

When the was abandoned because of a declining Indian population, a system of was formed.

What are three reasons for the decline of wildlife?

Wildlife is declining because of habitat destruction. It is declining because man is polluting the water. It is declining because humans hunt animals and kill them, sometimes for no reason other than "sport."

Why has the primary sector been declining?

The Primary Sector Is Declining Because We Are Running Out Of Natural Materials Such As Oil

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They are endangered because of their declining habitat. Because of that, their prey is declining too, and that makes the tiger even more vulnerable to extinction.

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Why is tourism declining in many parts of this region?

Tourism is declining in many parts of the Middle East because of wars.

Why corporate liquidity has been declining?

Corporate liquidity may be declining because revenues are declining. If a company isn't selling enough product, then they will likely borrow money, which reduces liquidity.

Why are puma numbers declining?

because people love them

Are primary sector growing or declining and why?

They are declining because the UK imports primary sector goods from other countries because it is cheaper.