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B. set prices for goods and services~apexx~ab

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Q: Which of the following does the government do in a socialist country A Ensure free choice for consumers B Set prices for goods and services C Guarantee property rights D Protect t?
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In a socialist society the government does not do which of the following?

provides freedom of choice for producers

What does the government not do in a socialist sociecty?

The duties of a socialist government can vary based on the terms for which it was elected to do. It's basic function is to own the major means of production and to ensure equality in citizens' pay. Normally a socialist government will also provide free medical care. The cost of this is derived from taxes or the income from the industries it owns. In general terms, a socialist government will not allow the practice of free enterprise, except for small scale "garden type" companies, such a small producer of specialty crops. The main sources of food are derived from Government collective farms.With that said, socialist government cannot guarantee a prosperous nation, nor can it not guarantee safety from foreign enemies.

True or false The republic was also known as a socialist government?

Yes, a socialist government/state is sometimes also known as a socialist republic.

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Socialist. Socialist

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What is a socialist country in which the government owns health care and communications?

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

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An oppressive capitalist government.

Government in china?

Government in China is socialist single party state.

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It has a Democratic-Socialist Government.

What kind of government did Hitler have?

Germany was socialist