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Q: Which of these most influences a nation toward specialization?
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International trade and specialization most often led to what?

an increase in a nation's productivity

What contributed the most most toward the realization that the nation needed a stronger central government?

The secession of the Southern states contributed the most toward the realization that the nation needed a stronger central government . Prior to this the states simply had a cooperative agreement.

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what is the most common result of specialization?

Who contributed the most toward the realization that the nation needed a stronger central government?

Alexander Hamilton or James Madison

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What is most necessary for specialization for producers to take place?

Free trade is necessary for specialization among producers to take place.Free trade

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parents influences a child the most since the child spend most of his time with them.

Which resulted most directly from economic specialization?

Social strtification

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The most direct result of a surplus of food is typically a decrease in prices due to an oversupply in the market. This can lead to benefits such as increased access to affordable food for consumers and potential challenges for producers due to lower revenues.

Which of these does the division of labor most directly enable?

Specialization Ap3x!

What is most necessary for specialization among producers to take place?

Free trade is necessary for specialization among producers to take place.Free trade

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which of these most heavily influences Middle Eastern culture? A: islam ;) From: Linda9713