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Q: Who benefited and who was left out of economic growth in the 1920s?
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What were the economic effects of the civil war?

The economic effects of the civil war were that the confederate money was no longer valid and many people were left with nothing another effect was a lot of states towns were destroyed, a lot of them had to rebuild this was known as the RECONSTRUCTION period

Social Democratic Party?

A left-wing political party; the popular party in Germany in the 1920s

Why didnt children refuse to work in the mines in the 1920s?

Children often worked in mines in the 1920s due to economic necessity. Many families relied on their children's income to survive, and there were limited laws or regulations protecting child laborers at that time. Additionally, the work was often seen as a cultural norm and a way of life for mining families.

Which group of Americans were largely left out of the prosperity of the 1920s?

farmers, new immigrants, blacks, people in poverty, unemployed

How much do you get paid as a ferry driver?

the left over food that is commercially benefited in a group of drive's group

Who were the intellectuals who left America in the 1920s and became expatriates?

they were called the "lost generation." i found the answer right here on answer-dot- com

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What were the economic causes of fascism in Spain?

If what you mean is "what were the economic causes of the social conflict and unrest which led to the civil war, of which the outcome was the rise to power of General Franco, who is often regarded as a fascist?" then the answer seems to be that the old landed elites resented the growing militancy of the workers and the social and economic reforms proposed by the Popular Front government, and the growth of radicalism on both left and right culminated in the right's decision to support a military coup.

How long was a baseball field in 1920s?

346 feet in center field,327 feet in left and 327 feet in right field

What are the economic effects of a nuclear attack?

There probably won't be an economy left.

What was an economic problem for the early US?

wealthy Loyalists had left America.

What was an effect of the civil war-?

rapid growth of the union navy