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Thorstein Veblen

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Q: Who coined the economics term conspicuous consumption?
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Who developed the term conspicuous consumption?

The term "conspicuous consumption" was developed by American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen in his book "The Theory of the Leisure Class" published in 1899. He used the term to describe the concept of people buying and displaying luxury goods to showcase their wealth and social status.

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Alfred Marshall

Who coined the term micro economics and macro economics?

not sure but i guess" J.M Keynes".

Did Max Weber develop the term conspicuous consumption?

No, Max Weber did not develop the term "conspicuous consumption." This concept was coined by Thorstein Veblen in his book "The Theory of the Leisure Class" published in 1899. Veblen used the term to describe the consumption of goods and services for the purpose of displaying wealth and status rather than for personal use.

What two word term for flaunting off your wealth was introduced by Norwegian American Thorstein Veblen in his 1899 book The Theory of the Leisure Class?

Conspicuous consumption

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The term that means spending beyond the amount of money one has avaialbe is conspicuous consumption

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Ehrenberg coined the term bacteria.

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Freud coined the term infantilism.

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The term valor means courage and bravery. The term "conspicuous" refers to that which is greater or more obvious compared to other acts. The term conspicuous valor appears in the language of commendations and military awards in the US, although many substitute the synonymous term "gallantry."

Who coined term criminology?

Raffaele Garofalo was the one who coined the term criminology. Criminology was coined in 1885.

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Niels Bohr coined the term "element."