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Absolutely everybody is affected by inflation. Poor and rich people are affected by inflation although in different degrees.

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How did inflation affected the Roman Empire?

inflation happens when money loses its value and it affected the Roman Empire.

what currency is least affected by inflation?

Inflation is endemic in a capitalistic society. Different economies (currencies) are affected differently and over time there is no such thing as a safe currency.

Which occupation would be LEAST affected by inflation?


Are those costs which firm has no control?

Costs which are affected by inflation

How has inflation affected the lives of the unemployed people and people collecting social grant?

When inflation goes up and now your rent has increased and so has everything that you

Any idea which are the most affected countries due to inflation?

You might want to check out Zimbabwe's inflation rate and check out what is happening in that country at the moment. latest inflation rate 2.3million% most places run at 4%

What affected Ford's economic policy have on the economy?

Inflation went down due to the spending cuts

Savings, Taxes, and Inflation?

Savings, Taxes, and Inflation The value of your savings can be affected by both taxes and inflation. Use this calculator to determine how much your savings will be worth with this in mind. Click the "View Report" button to get more information and a year-by-year savings schedule.

What types of people are most negatively affected by inflation and the depreciation of the dollar?

Low-income individuals are most negatively affected by inflation and the depreciation of the dollar as their purchasing power decreases, making it harder to afford basic necessities. Fixed-income earners, such as retirees, are also significantly impacted as their income does not increase in line with inflation. People with savings in cash or low-yield investments also suffer as the value of their money diminishes.

Is construction equipment succumbing to inflation prices?

During a period of economic inflation, most everything is affected. According the sale of new and used construction equipment would slow due to the slowing of building projects.

How was the economy affected by President Gerald Ford's Whip Inflation Now program?

The economy slowed down very quickly

How the war affected the society?

The war affected American society in a few ways. An example is, many men were taken away from their families. Another example is, war makes inflation go up.