

Who leads capitalism?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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sources indicate that a homosexual by the name of henry mcdermott brown currently leads capitalism. There are various indications that he sucked several penises (simultaneously) in order to attain such a position of authority.

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12y ago
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2y ago

The capitalist class: the less-than-one-percent of the population, who own the means of production (land, factories, raw materials, shops, offices, means of transport etc). This gives them massive wealth and power.

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leaders of capitalism

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Adam Smith

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Why is capitalism used?

Capitalism generally leads to increased economic prosperity; this is why countries often gravitate towards using it.

What do supporters of socialism generally feel about capitalism?

Socialists generally feel capitalism is an outdated form of organizing an economy that needs to be replaced by a socialist economic system.Capitalism leads to inequality among citizens.

What was lenins theory about capitalism?

- War caused by the stresses and strains of monopolistic capitalism. - Capitalist overproduction requires the continual expansion of markets, sources of raw materials and profits. - Colonial conquests by capitalist powers. - After all the available lands for expropriated and exploited, the incessant demand for more leads to wars among the capitalists powers themselves. - Lenin's view in Lenin's view capitalism causes war and with the destruction of private capitalism, wars will no longer occur.

What type of economic system do individuals own most of the businesses?


What is capitalism in a sentence?

"My mom thinks that the movie In Time, is against capitalism" Is a sentence using capitalism.

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Why is capitalism used?

Capitalism generally leads to increased economic prosperity; this is why countries often gravitate towards using it.

Did Teddy Roosevelt say unfettered capitalism leads to corruption?

Yes, Teddy Roosevelt did believe that unfettered capitalism could lead to corruption. He advocated for government regulation to curb the excesses of capitalism and prevent monopolies from forming.

What do supporters of socialism generally feel about capitalism?

Socialists generally feel capitalism is an outdated form of organizing an economy that needs to be replaced by a socialist economic system.Capitalism leads to inequality among citizens.

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Law of supply and demand.

What was lenins theory about capitalism?

- War caused by the stresses and strains of monopolistic capitalism. - Capitalist overproduction requires the continual expansion of markets, sources of raw materials and profits. - Colonial conquests by capitalist powers. - After all the available lands for expropriated and exploited, the incessant demand for more leads to wars among the capitalists powers themselves. - Lenin's view in Lenin's view capitalism causes war and with the destruction of private capitalism, wars will no longer occur.

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Which economic system calls for a maximum of collective ownership?

Classical capitalism

What is an economic system in which most of the economy's resources are privately owned and managed?


What is capitalism in a sentence?

"My mom thinks that the movie In Time, is against capitalism" Is a sentence using capitalism.

What is capitalism in A little sentence?

"My mom thinks that the movie In Time, is against capitalism" Is a sentence using capitalism.

What was the goals of European liberals?

Capitalism. Individual rights and freedoms Greater representation for the people

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