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American economist Milton Friedman is known as the father of the free market principle.

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Q: Who was known as the father of the free market economy?
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Which of the following is another term for a market economy?

A market economy, also widely known as a "free market economy," is one in which goods are bought and sold and prices are determined by the free market, with a minimum of external government control.

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A free market economy

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It is generally known as a market economy. In this economy, the choices are made by the people and not the government.

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Free enterprise is also known as a free market economy and also referred to as capitalism.

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A free market economy

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Egypt is a free market economy.

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A market economy

What are the components of a free market economy?

A free market economy is a market based one. The prices of goods and services are determined independently in a free market.

What kind of economy does Hong Kong have?

a free economy with few goverment regulations

List of free-market economy countries?

there are no pure market economies today. Even the U.S government, which is commonly known as a market economy, still has some control over decisions.

Does Germany have a free market economy?

Germany has a free market economy to a great extent. The country has a social market which operates on the principles of a free market economy.