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Ida Tarbell was the journalist who exposed Standard Oil as a monopoly.

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Q: Who was the journalist that exposed standard oil as a monopoly?
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What company was exposed as a monopoly by Ida Tarbell?

standard oil

. What was the impact of muckraker journalist Ida Tarbell's History of the Standard Oil Company?

It led to the breakup of the company as a monopoly.

How did the muckraker Ida Tarbell describe slandered oil?

Ida Tarbell, a muckraking journalist, described Standard Oil as a monopoly that engaged in unethical and anti-competitive practices to control the oil industry. She exposed the company's use of predatory tactics to dominate the market, leading to public outrage and eventually the breakup of Standard Oil.

What muckraker exposed the cutthroat methods used by Standard Oil to eliminate competition?

Ida Tarbell, an investigative journalist and muckraker, exposed the cutthroat methods used by Standard Oil to eliminate competition in her series of articles published in McClure's Magazine in the early 20th century. She played a key role in shaping public opinion and ultimately contributing to the breakup of Standard Oil's monopoly.

Who wrote an article exposing the evils of the standard oil company?

The woman that wrote an article and a book exposing the evils of the Standard Oil Company is Ida Tarbell. Tarbell was a teacher and journalist who was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania on November 5, 1857. The book is called, The History of the Standard Oil Company, and it was published in 1904.

Who exposed Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company's unethical practices that allowed it to become a monopoly?

Lincoln Steffens was known for exposing corruption in city government. Ida Tarbell was the person that exposed Rockefeller Standard Oil.

How did the muckraker lda tarbell describe standard oil?

Ida Tarbell, a muckraking journalist, described Standard Oil as a ruthless monopoly that exploited its power to crush competitors and manipulate prices. She detailed the company's unethical practices in her groundbreaking expose, "The History of the Standard Oil Company."

Ida Tarbell?

An American teacher, author, and journalist. One of the leading muckrakers. She is known for her pioneering investigative reporting that led to the breakup of the Standard Oil Company's monopoly.

Who were some of muckrakers during the Progressive Era and what did each try to do?

JACOB RIIS - photographer, exposed bad working and living conditions. IDA TARBELL - journalist, exposed the corruption of the Standard Oil Company. UPTON SINCLAIR - author, exposed the meat packing industry. LINCOLN STEFFENS - journalist, exposed political and government corruption. ^.~

What are some monopoly's?

Standard Oil is one

What industry did Rockefeller have a monopoly?

Oil industry. Founder of Standard oil.

Leading muckraking journalist whose articles documented the Standard Oil Company's abuse of power?

Ida Tarbell was a muckraker who wrote an article exposing the standard oil company as a monopoly.