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People do not join the European Union. Countries do. It is an organisation of countries, not of people. As a result of countries joining, people are living in countries that are in the European Union and can be called its citizens.

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Q: Why did so many people join the European union?
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How many people are in the European Union?


What year did Russia join the eu?

There are currently no plans for Russia to join the European Union. It would have to make changes to many aspects of its society and economy in order to join, but it is not interested in joining.

Why is Monaco not part of the EU?

It is independent and like many countries in Europe, it does not want to join the European Union. It does have strong relations with the European Union and has many agreements with them around things like trade.

How many people live in the countries within the European Union?

The population of the European Union is roughly half a billion.

How many members from Malta are part of the European Union?

Countries are members of the European Union, not people or trade unions. As Malta is one country that is a member of the European Union, then the amount of members of the European Union from Malta is one.

How many year did turkey try to go in the european union?

Turkeyâ??s progress to join European Union has been quite slow, since there is opposition from some EU countries over Turkeyâ??s membership. It is now over half a decade of Turkeyâ??s struggle to join the union.

How many people are now in the European Union?

The total population of the 28 countries of the European Union in 2015, is about 508 million and rising.

Why do many former communist countries want to join the European union?

because they know the membership will help them economically and politically.

When did Holland join the European union?

At the beginning, when it was the European Common Market.

How many people get picked to join the members of each branch in the European Union?

The EU institutions have different regulations and policies for picking members. For instance, the European Parliaments' members are chosen democratically by the European citizens. The European Council on the other hand consists of the EU countries leaders so as to speak.

What is meant by Democratic Deficit with regards to European Union?

It is a general expression that basically means that many decisions of the European Union are not made by people democratically elected. Indeed, many important actors of the European Union are appointed by member countries, not democratic elections.

How many cities are there in European Union?

There are no cities in the European Union. It is an organisation, not a place.