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they want to strengthen economic ties and encourage democracy

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Q: Why do supporters of globalization believe in normalizing free trade between nations?
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Globalization refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, cultures, and societies globally. Integration refers to the process of linking individual components or entities to form a unified whole. In the context of globalization, integration often refers to the process of countries or regions coming together through agreements, alliances, or common policies to facilitate global trade and cooperation.

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When comparing globalization and multicultural, globalization discusses more the aspect that many countries interact and trade goods - people are making connections between countries that are far apart, where multicultural discusses the concept that more than one culture is represented in a certain area.

What is the difference between globalization and globalism?

Globalism is the idea of events in one country that cannot be separated from those in another. Globalization is the increase of trade around the world.

When did Civil war erupts between supporters of Sulla and supporters of another general?

It's not a civil war unless they are fighting themselves