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Because when you divide their GDP by the number of Chinese people you get a small number. There are a LOT of people in China.

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Q: Why does China have a high GDP but a low per capita GDP?
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Why does china have a height GDP but a low capita GDP?

A relatively advanced developing economy of 1.3 billion people.

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The GDP per capita in Romania is low; for 2009 was cca. 7 300 US $.

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The GDP per Capita of India is low but rapidly growing. Currently it is $2,941 the 128th highest in the world and comparable to that of Moldova and Vietnam.

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High GDP because it means more money.

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The people living in low income countries have, on average, a lower level of real per capita income. Low income leads to low investment in education and health as well as plant and equipment and infrastructure, which in turn leads to low productivity and economic stagnation.

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What is south Africa's income per capita?

Such statistics are not calculated since it would not be correct at all. See the GDP per capita of South Africa. That might help.