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Even a free market economy needs government intervention to provide for things that the marketplace does not address.

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Isabel Wiegand

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1y ago
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12y ago

A free market economy needs government intervention due to market failure. Market failures occur when the basic assumptions of efficient markets are not met in normal circumstances and this causes an inoptimal allocation. Some examples of market failure include:

  1. imperfect information;
  2. lack of competition;
  3. non-convex preferences;
  4. incomplete or endogenous preferences;
  5. externalities.
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14y ago

i think
so everything can be in control and that everybody stick to the rules

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Q: Why does even a free enterprise market economy need some government intervention?
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Why does even a free market economy need some government intervention?

Even a free market economy needs government intervention to provide for things that the marketplace does not address.

System that combines the free market with some government intervention?

Market Economy A market economy is a system in which decisions on production and consumption of goods and services are based entirely on exchange, or trade; The answer to this is Mixed Economy.A mixed economy is a system that combines the free market with some government intervention.

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Limited government intervention and regulation is what separates the U.S. economy from the pure market model.

Which type of economy combines enterprise and government decision making in the marketplace?

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Why would a completely free market economy would not be a practical one for any major country?

A free market economy is an economy in which all markets within it are unregulated by any parties other than those in the market. It limits the government's intervention. If it was completely free than the government would have less intervention and would make the economy much more sensitive and vulnerable.

Is free enterprise characterized by government ownership of capital goods with investments determined by state control?

Free market enterprise is characterized by supply and demand, the government has very little if none intervention in the market. Buyers and sellers have freedom to transact business.

What is argentina's economy type?

The economy is a free enterprise market economy.

In a free market economy decisions are made according to the laws of .?

According to free market laws are made based on producers of goods and services in a free market. In a free economy government has very little market intervention.

WhaT is the difference between free enterprise and market economy?

The difference between free enterprise and market economy is that in a market economy, thr govevernment has little effect on what you do with your company, and in a free enterprise economy, the government has more control over wat goes on with the company. If you. Are over the age of 12 and you asked this, you need some help because I am 11 and I wrote this.

Under what conditions might government intervention in a market economy improve the economy's performance?

If there is a market failure, such as an externality or monopoly, government regulation might improve the well-being of society by promoting efficiency. If the distribution of income or wealth is considered to be unfair by society, government intervention might achieve a more equal distribution of economic well-being.

What market has no government intervention?
