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Competition is very important in a free market system because it helps drive prices down which in turn increases sales. For example, there was a gas station where I live that was able to charge $.05 to $.10 per gallon more for gas than the next town because they didn't have any competition. Customers would rather pay a bit more because of the convenience of it. When a competitor built a gas station across the street, the gas prices went down because both companies were trying to attract the same customers. When there is competition, the customer wins.

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Competition is important because it is a mechanism for driving out inefficient producers. Competition forces producers to lower prices.

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Q: Why is competition an important part of a free market system?
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Why competition is an important of a free market system?

Without competition, people wouldn't have a lot of choices

Why is competition an important part of a free-market system?

Without competition, people wouldn't have a lot of choices

Why is competition an important part of free market system?

Without competition, people wouldn't have a lot of choices

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The following statement best describes the relationship between competition and a free market system: Competition increases within a free market system.

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The Free Market system is designed for competition.

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C. Without competition, people wouldn't have a lot of choices.

What best explained why competition is an important part of a free market system?

C. Without competition, people wouldn't have a lot of choices.

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Unrestricted competition

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The laws of supply and demand are the most important factors in a free-market system.

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Competition and self-interest are two forces in free market economies.

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The profit motive undermines competition unless competition is protected.