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Q: Why is it important to understand the law of demand?
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Importance of elasticity of demand?

It is important because if a company doesn't understand their product's elasticity of demand, they are screwed!

Why is it important for businesses to understand the laws of supply and demand?

LoL........LSC students.

What is demand and law of demand?

The law of demand is that when you demand something you MUST say please and thank you, it's the law.

Explain law of demand?

Law of demand is an important law of economics. It establishes a relationship between price and demand.other things renaming the same when the price of commodity falls its demand will go up likewise,when the price of the commodity rises its demand will fall price and demand moves in opposite direction.there is inverse relationship between demand and other words low price high demand high price low demand.

What is derivation of law of demand?

Law of demand is the higher the price the lower of goods demand for

Law of demand and supply?

Consumers is the law of supply and demand.

Why does the law of demand hold?

why does the4 law of demand holds

Why is the history of law important?

History of law is important because it offers an interdisciplinary perspective on law with which can better understand specific fields of law and legal doctrines, different approaches to legal reasoning, and law as a profession.

Example of law of demand?

marketing is a great example of law of demand

Define law of demand?

the law of demand state there is a negative or inverse relation ship

Why do you think is important for managers to understand the mechanics of supply and demand both in the short run and in the long run?

LoL........LSC students.

How is law of demand related to the demand curve?

Law of demand is the reason of the downward sloping of demand curve.Law of demand states the inverse relationship of demand of a commodity and it's price,and demand curve represents this inverse relationship of demand and price.So in this way they both are related.